Giving Back: Volunteer Opportunities for High School Students


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Aynsleigh Escher, Editor

To many, the high school experience is a combination of academics, extracurriculars, and volunteering, with these three things done in order to properly transition into the next stage of life- college or university. Academics and extracurriculars are easily managed through the school, however, managing volunteering is a personal responsibility. This usually makes volunteering a grudging experience, since it requires more effort than the average activity. Students have to find the opportunity, make sure it is available for those under 18, apply, and arrange transportation and tasks often without assistance. In order to assist with the volunteering process and ease students into this new realm of responsibility, I have compiled a list of volunteering opportunities available to teenagers in the Stafford area.

Independent Volunteering

  1. Central Rappahannock Regional Library, Porter and Howell Branches
    1. After filling out their online application, you will receive an emailed response discussing your application. From there, you can figure out when you’re volunteering and what your tasks at the library will include.
  2. Thurman Brisben Center
    1. In order to help the homeless and disadvantaged, you can work with the Center by either donating or organizing a donation event event, which requires much more effort but is very rewarding to all involved. Contact them to organise the event.
  3. Fredericksburg All Ages
    1. FAA is a youth run organisation dedicated to youth empowerment and the arts. To help put on their shows, which include art and music, sign up here.
  4. Friends of the Rappahannock
    1. Friends of the Rappahannock is an organisation dedication to the cleanliness and safety of the Rappahannock River. They host events, which offer volunteering opportunities. Check their website to check for upcoming events.
  5. EmpowerHouse
    1. Empowerhouse is a non-profit that advocates for and provides services to survivors of domestic violence. They have select opportunities for teenagers and in order to apply, fill out the paperwork listed here.

Volunteering with Parental Guidance

  1. Stafford SPCA
    1. To help care for animals at the SPCA, you must first apply here then go through a volunteer process. You must volunteer twice per month. Those between 13 and 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent while volunteering.
  2. Goodwill Literacy Corps
    1. In order to teach literacy, numeracy, and basic computing to those without necessary knowledge in those areas, contact Shanna Boutchyard (email listed here) to be a Goodskills Literacy Tutor. You must have a parent willing to chaperone and you MUST contact Mrs. Boutchyard- there is no online application.
  3. Specialized Opportunities
    1. The opportunities listed above are the most available and apply the most to the Holiday Season. However, should you desire different opportunities, United Way offers a volunteering database. This link is customized to sort only volunteer opportunities available to those who are 14-18 years of age. If you wish to customize the database further, the tabs at the top of the page allow for adjustments.

Besides simply volunteering for college or applications, don’t forget to dedicate your volunteering to the Holiday Season! Whether you donate some cans to the school can drive or decide to commit to a two-month volunteer program at the ASPCA, any act of good-will makes a difference.