To Take or Not to Take, That is the Question

May 20, 2022
No one ever said anything about the workload.
AP (Advanced Placement) classes are a way to earn college credit, run by the College Board, the people who created the SATs. In 2018, 1.24 million students took at least one AP test, but what is their reason for taking AP classes?
Some students get a little push from parents, wanting the best for their kids. Some parents suggest AP classes are best to save money, to graduate early, or because students have the motivation to do so.
“She was trying to push me to take AP’s so I could have enough credits to go through college quicker and go through high school quicker” Cameron Mayfield (’22).
Other students want what’s best for themselves and want to look best for colleges. Most students take specific AP classes based on their career goals. “I want to major in hopefully something psychology or computer science related. And I’m hoping that these classes can help me with college credits.” Wyatt Henderson (’23).
Staples High School writes about the stress AP classes can give to students due to the workload. Some other cons about taking APs, is how much work, via studying or finishing classwork, and how it can get in the way of after school activities. They can get in the way of jobs, mess up your sleep schedule, and you may end up doing your homework at your job.
“And so, literally, I would stay up till like three in the morning trying to do AP classes work because, you know, I was dedicating my time to yearbook and also my clubs and stuff like that.” Grace Park (’22).
The AP classes are this rigorous because, instead of preparing you for college classes, some send you straight into college classes. This helps students not have to pay for those classes when they go to college, because they already took them, but taking too many can backfire.
“I think that’s where students get in trouble is when they overload themselves, and they don’t realize the amount of time that it takes you have to put toward an AP class because you are working for college credit.” Said Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Tisha Henderson.