Meet Gillian Shinskie
February 6, 2017
Meet Gillian Skinskie, high school freshman and self taught photographer who wants to use her photos to inspire people, spread her creativity, and capture people’s beauty.
Talon: When did you first realize you liked photography?
GS: “I first started [by getting] interested in making little music videos, and when I bought my first camera, I started to take more photos and my creativity spread.”
T: How does taking pictures make you feel?
GS: “Taking pictures make me feel like I have a purpose, and I can use it to do good things in the world.”

Maggie Hans poses for Gillian Shinskie
T: When/where/how did you learn how to use the camera?
GS: “I first only knew how to use the auto settings in the camera, but bought more books and researched tips and ways to take manual photos giving more emotion to them.”
T: How long have you been interested in photography?
GS: “[I’ve been into photography] For about four years now! I bought my first camera in 6th grade and progressed since then.”
T: What do you see yourself doing in the future with photography?
GS: “I want to find a way to use it to address some ignored problems into the world and just use it overall to inspire and help out.”
T: Why do you like photography?
GS: “I love photography because it gives me a chance to exert a certain feeling or emotion and express myself.”
T: What kinds of pictures do you like to take?
GS: “I love to take portraiture, because I love seeing people awed by themselves and in general capturing people’s beauty.”
T: Tell me your photo-taking process.
GS: “I have around 6 lenses, so before a shoot I usually plan which ones I need. Then I plan out the different ISO, metering, and white balance for the location. I also try to make sure the model (if portrait) tells me which portraits they prefer so I know what to go for.”

Cameron Brown (’17) models for Shinskie
T: Do you edit your photos? What is your editing process.
GS: “I started with aperture but now I use Adobe Photoshop. I try to darken the background to give more focus to the subject and highlight the subject.”
T: Where do you like to take photos? In a studio-like environment, nature, etc.?
GS: “I love taking photos in an urban or ‘vintage’ setting, as I feel studios make the person feel uncomfortable, but sometimes nature photos are too predictable.”
Shinskie posts her photos on social media as well as on her website.