Chorus Christmas Concert Welcomes Alumni And Staff To The Stage
December 20, 2018

This past Tuesday, the choir program had their annual Christmas concert. The concert began with a combined choir group of the Madrigals, Show Choir, and Chamber singing Carol Bells.
Then, the Madrigals sang “Sing, Sing Noelle!”
The Ladies Choral sang “Taylor the Latte Boy.”
Next, the Chamber Choir sang “Cool Yule.”
Later, the Show Choir sang “People are Strange,” “Bewitched,” and “Magic.” Show Choir gave a 30-minute performance that they use in competition. The students all wore silver and danced to choreography by stage manager and choreographer Margaret Howe. The audience was in awe on how the choreography went from slow to really upbeat and fast. All of the students were in beat and did not miss a step.

After that performance there was a short intermission where attendees could purchase items at the concession stand. As the intermission concluded, all of the girls sang This Little Babe” and “Santa Baby.”
Directly after all of the girls sang, all of the guys sang “Ose Shalom.”
At the end of the concert, all of the performers sang “Hine Ma Tov,” “Cold” and “Fugue Season,” “Sparklejollytwinklejingely,” and “Hallelujah,” which included Colonial Forge Alumni and Staff.
One surprise was having Forge Alumni and staff go on stage. There were more alumni than staff, but that made the concert more magical. Members of the audience stood and sang “Hallelujah” with the choir while smiling and attempting to take pictures and videos of this special performance. At the end of this song, there was a burst of applause.