The Talon’s Movie Picks

Nostalgia galore

More stories from Carlos Barrera

I asked the Talon’s news crew to discuss their favorite movies and why they chose them. Interestingly, there was a focus on the past and childhood nostalgia:

Patrick Strong, Editor:

Forrest Gump, because of the way Tom Hanks plays the role. He’s a fascinating character. I really think it’s because I grew up with the movie, so there is a lot of attachment there.

Anne Johnakin, Editor

Breakfast at Tiffany’s, because I love Audrey Hepburn. It’s cute, and the rain scene is one of my favorites of all time.

Aynsleigh Escher, Editor

Where’s my list? As of right now, my favorite movie is probably Call Me by Your Name, because it’s beautiful, and it’s long, and it’s simple, and the location is gorgeous, and the cinematography is beautiful; the soundtrack is all 80’s pop, which is great; the acting is phenomenal, and the way the two lead actors interact is so close to life, and it’s not the words they say, but the little things. It is long and it’s slow, so you have to be really into it to really like it, but once you get into it, it just takes you for a ride, you know?

Emily Imes, Reporter

Stuck in Love, because it’s a movie about writers and all their love stories, and I just really like it. The dad’s a writer, the brother’s a writer and the sister- and, like, their love stories are so different: The sister completely rejects love, the brother saves this girl from an abusive relationship and ends up falling in love with her, and the dad and his wife just divorced but he still loves her, so it’s just interesting.

Ernesto Bowen, Reporter

I don’t even know how to explain it but Stand by Me is just the toughest movie ever. It’s just so adventurous, like the childlike adventure, and it’s not only that they are so greaser-like. Favorite movie, hands down.

Malachi Gatlin, Reporter

I think my one movie is Wonder, because when I was younger I read the book and I loved the book and how it was, but they finally made the movie, so I wanted to see how it compared.

Jack Adams, Reporter

Polar, because it’s based off a graphic novel I read a while back, like when I was younger, and they made a Netflix movie out of it. It’s really like… just hardcore; it’s a classic action movie, and they do really good with it.

Noel Innocent, Reporter

Scarface! Its Tony Montana! And the uncut version of Scarface only. He is the best Colombian dealer in the world.

Amanda Lineweaver, Reporter

Shawshank Redemption, because I find it really emotional.

Brianan Chubb, Reporter

Nightmare Before Christmas.

Sara Michel, Reporter

My favorite movie is 10 Things I Hate About You, because I love how it is a love story and it’s really cute. It sticks out to me.

Melanie Thomas, Reporter

Fast and Furious Series; honestly any of them except the third one. The third one was trash.  I just like series more. Or the Harry Potter series, except the 4th one. That’s because the book and movie both made me really upset. 

Mr. Snead, Adviser of the Talon:

One of my favorite movies is Stranger than Fiction. It’s a Will Ferrell movie where this guy seems like an ordinary person, then one day starts hearing a voice that he realizes is narrating his life. He has to figure out what’s happening. It’s really funny, it’s really clever. It has a lot of English class-related stuff going on in it. So when I first saw it, I felt like it was a movie made specifically for me to be entertained by. I have shown it in my class; it’s just an awesome movie.

And finally, for myself it would be Eastern Promises, for reasons I explained in my previous article.

What are your favorite movies? What did we miss? Let us know in the comments, or at [email protected]